Friday, May 1, 2009

Haziq sleep in a walker..

Yesterday i caught my 2nd son video for sleeping in a walker. So sweet. I feel pity for him.....
He wait for my wife to give breast feeding too long until he fall assleap. Watch the video at youtube. Simply copy the link below and paste at your browser address...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Posing lagi....

Abg Oly ank posing jugak...

Lagi posing....

Posing maut siott !!!

Latest posing from haziq !

Monday, March 30, 2009

more update...

more updates will come later....i need to sleep first....need to go to work tomorrow 6.30am...

Proton iswara 1.3

Before married...

After married.....

This is my car before and after married. The one and only. Not spryed yet. Don't have enough money....hehehehehe. As long as the condition of the engine is still ok, i will still love this car.....Sekarang tengah gawat, Nak tukar keta pikir 100 kali.

This is me now.....

So this is me now. This picture was taken last week. Wearing a mask and muffler. Untuk keselamatan la beb. Don't you recognize me ??!!hehehehe

Sek Men Teknik Kota tinggi.....

This picture was taken during my secondary school. If I'm not forget, when I'm at form 4 (SMTKT)
A very good boy. Hahahaha…..
Hensem is'nt it? No moustache, no bear and a little bit skinny. But I think present picture is much macho…..hahahahaha…
I miss all my friend at SMTKT batch 96/97. This year, if there is a reunion gathering, I will surely joint.
I will create an excuse to my wife..hihihihihi…

My lovely wife - Ayang

And this is my lovely wife 'ct'. A mother to both my sons, fazli and haziq. Thanks ayang for taking care of me and both our sons.
I'll never forget that.
She love sewing cloth. In fact, she take an order for those who want to sew their clothes.
Just work at home. She sacrifies a lot of thing just for me and my sons.

My 2nd son - Oziq

So, this is our 2nd baby. I name him muhammad zulhaziq. Haziq means 'cerdik'. Pretty big huh. He is different from his brother. His brother was so skinny.
He is 4 month now. I can't wait to see hem walking :).

My first son - Oly

This is my oldest son. I name him muhammad zulfadhli. Zulfadhli means ' yang mempunyai kelebihan '. He is very friendly. Always like to talk. You can't hear
his voice only when he asleep. If not, he's always talking all day long. He love to watch upin and ipin cartoon. If he is wathcing that cartoon, what ever you asked
him to do, he will surely ignore you. He is 4 years old now. I can't wait to see him go to school. Learn new thing. Make a lot of friends.

Mat rempit?.........x rempit sangat la...

So this is me during my single version. At that time I'm studying at UTMKL. I still remember that I buy this 'panther' using my brother aman money plus Mara money.
There is a lot type of motorcycle. You want to know why I choose 'panther'? B'coz it look like brother2 and the engine much more powerful
than the other. Plus it's the cheepest one I found in that shop (in kota tinggi) RM2800.Pay in cash. Hahahaha….:) .I think this picture taken when I 19 years old.
There is a lot of memory I have with this 'panther'. Now it is history to me as I gave it to my brother. My brother take good care of it.
I never let other gurl ride with me. That the fact man!.